Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Lesson

Q#3. Sylvia and Sugar has very different characteristic, even though they are cousin and they are related. They are very contrast because Sylvia has a very negative mind, but Sugar has very positive mind by the way they talk in the toy store.

Q#4.I don't really get this problem.....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Everyday Use

When her mother doesn't give Dee the quilts, her character suddenly, and briefly changes. She used to give everything and be nice to Maggie all the time, but this is the time when she says, "No". This foreshadows how Maggie is going to change and be changed by her mom's attitude and character. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Destructors

Q#1. Who is the protagonist of this story----Trevor, Blackie, of the gang? Who or what is the antagonist? Identify the conflicts of this story.  
I think the protagonist of this story is Blackie, but it switches to Trevor. An antagonist is  any force against the protagonist which is Trevor but switches to Blackie. The conflicts of the story is Blackie and Trevor fighting for power over the gang.

Q#5. Of what significance, of any, is the setting of this story in blitzed London? Does the story have anything to say about the consequences of the war? About the causes of war?
There is a war going on London, and that Mr. Thomas is the only house left standing makes the story more significance. The story tells us that the war always hits close to home, and it shows that the war is a horrible thing.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hunters in the snow

Q#3. Which is the most sympathetic of the three characters? the story deals, in part, with the power struggle among the characters. Which character is the most powerful? Do the balance of power and alliances between the characters shift as the story proceeds?
Frank is the most sympathetic of the three characters, because in pg.31, Frank says "You can't hurry the nature. If we're meant to get that deer, we'll get it. If not we won't." This shows how sympathetic Frank is and how much he cares about the deer.  I think Frank is the most powerful character. He is responsible and arranges when they fight with each other.

Q#7. What is the purpose of the scene in which Frank and Tub stop at the tavern for food and coffee, leaving the wounded Kenny in the back of the truck? During their conversation, Frank analyzes his own character and expresses remorse. Are his insights and remorse genuine? 
Why or why not?
The purpose of the scene in which Frank and Tub stop at the tavern for food and coffee, leaving the wounded Kenny in the back of the truck, is to make the book more suspence, and more interesting. Frank remorses himself and it is genuine. 

Q#8. The final plot twist comes in the last two sentences of the story. Here the narrator speaks directly to the reader, giving us information the characters don't know. How is this an appropriate conclusion to the story? What final statement is being made about the characters?
The conclusion of this story ends with the part that the writer talks to the reader directly. By this information, the writher creates an inversion to the story that says,"But he was wrong." This makes the story more interesting and it is appropriate conclusion to the story.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Araby and Eveline questions

Araby: Question#8. Are the boy's feeling justified? How will he be changed?
The boy's feeling is analyzed as a 'creature'. This makes readers think that he is mad, or angry because creatures are emotional animals. His feelings are not justified directly, but indirect ways. He will be so mad and angry, and he won't believe in many people. 

Eveline: Question#3. What about her life in Dublin makes it attractive to Eveline
(I don't really understand this question, and I can't Find Dublin's life)

Eveline: Question#7. Is Eveline sympathetic or unsympathetic? Is she a victim?How does this contribute to the major theme?
I think Eveline is sympathetic. She had a good chance to run away from her cruel dad and be with her lover forever. But she choose to not go because she felt bad for her father. She can be a victim because she is trying to run away from her father.


Welcome to your blog, So Jung