Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Destructors

Q#1. Who is the protagonist of this story----Trevor, Blackie, of the gang? Who or what is the antagonist? Identify the conflicts of this story.  
I think the protagonist of this story is Blackie, but it switches to Trevor. An antagonist is  any force against the protagonist which is Trevor but switches to Blackie. The conflicts of the story is Blackie and Trevor fighting for power over the gang.

Q#5. Of what significance, of any, is the setting of this story in blitzed London? Does the story have anything to say about the consequences of the war? About the causes of war?
There is a war going on London, and that Mr. Thomas is the only house left standing makes the story more significance. The story tells us that the war always hits close to home, and it shows that the war is a horrible thing.

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